

Hola esto es lo nuevo de la semana.

Entre lo sobresaliente

BLACKEST NIGHT 5 con Anillo Verde. ¿Quién es Nekron?

Image United 1 con 7 portadas.

Amazing Spider-Man #613
Amazing Spider-Man #613 villain variant
Avengers The Initiative #30
Criminal Sinners #2
Daredevil #501 2nd print
Dark Avengers Ares #2
Dark Reign List Hulk One Shot 2nd print
Dark Reign List Secret Warriors One Shot 2nd print
Dark Tower The Fall of Gilead #6
Dark Tower The Fall of Gilead #6 raney variant
Dark Wolverine #80
Dark Wolverine #80 young guns variant
Deadpool #16 2nd print
Enders Shadow Command School #3
Fantastic Four #573
Fantastic Four #573 eaglesham variant
Guardians of the Galaxy #20
Halo Helljumper #5
Hulk #17
Hulk #17 mcguiness variant
Immortal Weapons #5
Incredible Hercules #138
Invincible Iron Man #20
Invincible Iron Man #20 Zircher Variant
Invincible Iron Man #20 djurdjevic variant
Models Inc #4
Ms. Marvel #47
New Avengers #59
New Mutants #7 x-necrosha tie-in
Powers #1
Secret Warriors #10
Son of Hulk #17
Son of Marvel Reading Chronology
Spider-Man Clone Saga #3
Thor Defining Moments Giant-Size #1
Thor Defining Moments Giant-Size #1 bianchi variant
Thor Defining Moments Giant-Size #1 finch variant
Ultimate Comics Avengers #4
Vengeance of Moon Knight #2 2nd print
Web of Spider-Man #2 gauntlet
Wolverine First Class #21
Wolverine Magazine #4
X-Men #517
X-Men Forever #12

Arkham Reborn #2
Blackest Night #2 3rd print
Blackest Night #5 GREEN RING
Blackest Night #5 migliarai variant
Blackest Night #5 reis sketch cover
Booster Gold #26 2nd print
Detective Comics #859
Detective Comics #859 variant cover
Doom Patrol #4 2nd print
Gotham City Sirens #6
Green Lantern #48
Green Lantern #48 morales variant
Justice League Cry for Justice #5
Justice League of America #39 RED RING
Justice Society of America #33
R.E.B.E.L.S. #10 2nd print
Superman #694
Superman Secret Origin #3
Superman Secret Origin #3 variant cover
Teen Titans #77
The Web #3
Wonder Woman #38
Worlds Finest #2 cover a
Worlds Finest #2 cover b

Madame Xanadu #17
Northlanders #22
Unknown Soldier #14

Free Realms #3
Starcraft #6
Wildcats Worlds End #17

Absolution #2 homage auxiliary edition
Anna Mercury 2 #1 chicago con edition
Beasts of Burden #3
Black Coat or Give Me Death #3
Buck Rogers #6 rafael cover
Buck Rogers #6 watson cover
Chew #6
Chronicles of Wormwood The Last Battle Preview con edition
Creepy Comics #2
Darkness #81
Days Missing #4
Die Hard Year One #3 incentive cover
Die Hard Year One #3 jock cover
Die Hard Year One #3 johnson cover
Domino Lady #3 cover a larson
Domino Lady #3 cover a photo
Emily the Strange 13th Hour #2
Galactica 1980 #3
Ganges #3
GI Joe Origins #9 feister cover
GI Joe Origins #9 feister virgin cover
GI Joe Origins #9 mutti cover
Gold Digger #112
Gold Digger Tech Manuel #9
I Am Legion #6
Image United #1 youngblood cover a
Image United #1 shadowhawk cover b
Image United #1 spawn cover c
Image United #1 savage dragon cover d
Image United #1 fortress cover e
Image United #1 witchblade cover f
Image United #1 blank cover
Image United #1 incentive cover
Image United #1 jim lee black & white cover
Image United #1 jim lee cover
Jericho Season 3 #1 cover a
Jericho Season 3 #1 cover b
Jericho Season 3 #1 px cover
Last Resort #4
Last Resort #4 virgin cover
Lone Ranger #19
Milo Ventimiglia Presents Berserker #3 haun cover
Milo Ventimiglia Presents Berserker #3 keown rage cover
No Hero #7 zombies cover
President Evil #3 Eat Press
Project Superpowers Meet the Bad Guys #4
Project Superpowers Meet the Bad Guys #4 negative cover
Queen Sonja #2
Queen Sonja #2 rubi
Queen Sonja #2 rubi black & white incentive
Sky Pirates of Neo Terra #3
Spartacus Blood And Sand #2
Star Trek Nero #4
Star Trek Nero #4 photo cover
Star Wars Legacy #42
Tales of the TMNT #64
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #59 cover a
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #59 cover b
The Goon #33
Tick New Series #1
TMNT #1 full color one shot
Transformers Tales of the Fallen #4 magno cover
Transformers Tales of the Fallen #4 milne cover
Transformers Tales of the Fallen #4 milne virgin cover
Usagi Yojimbo #124

2000 AD Pack Oct 2009
Comic Shop News
Heroes Magazine #12 previews exclusive edition
Marvel Previews #76
Previews #255
Smallville Magazine #34 previews exclusive cover
Supernatural Magazine #13 previews exclusive cover
Torchwood Magazine #18 special
Wizard the Guide to Comics #219 gold cassaday x-men cover
Wizard the Guide to Comics #219 gold spider-man cover

Archie #603


Te anunciamos que hemos resurtido los siguientes comics:

Amazing Spiderman 301, 314, 315, 321, 325, 400, 500, 600, 606, 607,
Astonishing X-men 1 al 32
Batman 400, 481 a 490, 491, 492, 493, 494, 495, 496, 497, 500, 600, 608, 611, 612, 613 , 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 638, 672, 673, 674,675, 676 first, 677, 678, 679, 680, 681, 682, 683, 684, 685, 686 Alfred cover, 687
Battle Chasers 1 al 6 , 1 Chrome cover, 1 Red Monika cover con letras doradas
Cable 14
Death of Superman (Superman 74, 75, 75 black bag, Superman Man of Steel 19, 20, Justice League of America 69, Adventures of Superman 497, Action Comics 669)
Detective comics 700, 855, 856, 857, 858
Fatal Atractions (Wolverine 75, Excalibur 71, X.force 25, x-factor 92, Uncanny 304, X-men 25)
Final Crisis 4, 5 Character cover
Flash Rebirth 1 al 4
Green lantern 49, 50, 100, 175,
Green Lantern Corps 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Green Lantern Current Series 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 31, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41 , 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47
Hulk 1 al 6 (Red Hulk)
Incredible Hulk 450, 600,
Justice League Cry for Justice 1, 3, 4
Marvel Comics Presents 72 a 84 Weapon X
Superman Forever
Uncanny X-men 150, 160, 170, 200, 300, 304, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 500, 501 al 516
Wolverine 2 # 50, 90, 100, 145, 150, 175,
Wolverine vol.3 66 al 72 y Giant Size Old Man Logan
Wolverine vol. 3 66 to 69 letter covers
X-FORCE 15, 16
X-men 1, 2, 3, 12, 25, 50, 75, 100 various covers, 101 a 113, 114 a 154


Esta semana ya tendremos a la venta en cantidades limitadas.
Sets de anillos de Blackest Night.
Avisanos si te interesan.

Jim Alegrias de Pedro Quesada y Manuel Gago

Escrito por Maciste Betanzos

Una de tantas manifestaciones del western en el tebeo patrio. Sólo que aqui juntándose en la autoría dos genios como eran Manuel Gago (el de El guerrero del antifaz) en calidad de ilustrador y Pedro Quesada como guionista. También estaban en esta línea El pequeño luchador, Kid Tejano, Johnny el ciclón o El Ranchero (por el lado yanqui), mientras que Apache, Piel de Lobo o Gacela Blanca (esta última heroina dependiente de un héroe) nos introducirían en el mundo de sus máximos rivales, la comunidad india.
Es de destacar en la obra Jim Alegrias que sea el titular un héroe juvenil sin ligazón a ningún personaje de mayor edad y fortaleza, uno de los tópicos de la historieta de aventuras siempre que aparecían personajes de características similares. Jim, pese a estar unido a un grupo de amigos de lo más variopinto, es siempre el héroe, el que tiene la última palabra, el que nos ofrece la proeza definitiva y que le conducirá a la solución de mil entuertos.
Y siendo un comic claramente inspirado en el género cinematográfico del Oeste, se apartaría de su patrón en esto último. Pues es bien conocido que en las películas de vaqueros el jovencito siempre estaba bajo el cuidado de un personaje más adulto, que funcionaba en calidad de tutor o de figura paterna. En el oeste de Hawks o de Ford, el pimpollo solía manejar bien el revolver pero no era aconsejable que lo hiciese por encima de sus posibilidades legales, a no ser que quedase sólo en casa al cuidado de su madre y hermanos menores. Destacaba su belleza efébica, su impetu inconsciente, su asexualidad, incluso. Recuerden sino a Rickie Nelson en Río Bravo o al delicioso David Wayne de Centauros del desierto. Tal estereotipo se rompería por razones obvias con el Billy the kid del juvenil Newman para Arthur Penn.
Jim Alegrias no es zurdo, lo veríamos mejor como un alter ego del Robert Francis de They rode west (1954. Phil Karlson) y, aún asi, hay que reconocer que ni uno ni otro tendrían mucho que ver.

Por encima de todo, en este tebeo triunfa la imaginación (las situaciones fantásticas, como la de las serpientes sagradas), el universo femenino que rodea al titancín: los contrastes entre la morena y semipasiva Luisa y la rubia de melena imponente y sofisticada (y se supone que con dobleces, precisamente por su sofisticación) Connie, nueva alusión al papel cinematográfico de las mujeres en el western de serie B de un Boetticher o un Fregonese, donde la rubia y la morena eran el yin y el yan de una misma venganza; indias buenas y desinteresadas de todo contacto sentimental (mucho menos sexual) con el rostro pálido por meras cuestiones de racismo, como Nube Rosada…
El venerable Viejo Pun (un ex buscador de oro) o la incorporación de una barroca tribu azteca con la pugna de hermanos con sangre real (Uxan, el bueno-Otulán, el usurpador); o el miserable y eterno Bob, que provocará mil situaciones de peligro (y gran físico) a Jim, completarían uno de los más memorables oestes tebeísticos de los años cincuenta en España. Editaba la fundamental Maga.


Hola esto es lo nuevo para esta semana.

Visitanos tendremos muchas novedades esta semanal, también muchos comics clásicos por igual.

De esta semana recomendamos

FLASH REBIRTH 5, al fin continua la historia.

ADVENTURE COMICS 4 , Superboy Prime se une a Blackest Night.

Amazing Spiderman 612, The Gauntet Comienza.

Amazing Spider-Man #612 djurdevic cover
Amazing Spider-Man #612 granov cover
Amazing Spider-Man #612 mcguinness black cat cover
Black Knight #1
Dark Avengers #11
Dark Reign List Spider-Man
Dark Reign List Spider-Man hero variant
Dark Reign List Spider-Man villain variant
Deadpool Merc with a Mouth #5
Dominic Fortune #4
Incredible Hulk #604
Kookaburra K #1
Kookaburra K #1 us mitric variant
Mighty Avengers #31
Nomad Girl Without a World #3
Powers Encyclopedia Vol 01
Punisher #11 dkr
Realm of Kings #1
Realm of Kings Inhumans #1
Spider-Man 1602 #2
Spider-Woman #3
The Stand Soul Survivors #2
The Stand Soul Survivors #2 perkins variant
Thunderbolts #138
War Machine #11
Wolverine Origins #42
Wolverine Weapon X #7
X-Men Legacy #229

Adventure Comics #4 BLUE RING
Adventure Comics #507 variant
Azrael #2
Batman Confidential #37
Batman Streets of Gotham #6
Batman the Unseen #4
Blackest Night Superman #1 3rd print
Blackest Night Superman #3 2nd print
Brave and the Bold #29
Flash Rebirth #5
Flash Rebirth #5 variant cover
Justice Society of America 80 Page Giant #1
Outsiders #24 INDIGO RING
Supergirl #47
Superman Batman #66
Vigilante #12

Air #15
Hellblazer #261

Authority The Lost Year #3
Victorian Undead #1
Victorian Undead #1 variant edition
World of Warcraft #25

AGon Merc Flipbook
Angel Only Human #4
Conan the Cimmerian #16
Cowboy Ninja Viking #2
Cyberforce Hunter Killer #3 portacio cover b
Cyberforce Hunter Killer #3 rocafort cover a
Deadlocke #1
Dr Horrible #1
Dr Horrible #1 variant a
Dr Horrible #1 variant b
Drone #1
Fall Out Toy Works #2
Farscape Ongoing #1 cover a
Farscape Ongoing #1 cover b
Farscape Ongoing #1 incentive cover
G-Man Cape Crisis #4
Ignition City #5 Signed poster edition
Invincible #68
Irredeemable #8
Irredeemable #8 incentive cover
Legion Prophets #1
Luke McBain #1
Men of Mystery #80
Nola #1 cover a
Nola #1 cover b
Phonogram 2 #5
Star Trek The Next Generation Ghosts #1
Star Trek The Next Generation Ghosts #1 virgin corroney incentive
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic #47
Swordsmith Assassin #4 cover a
Swordsmith Assassin #4 cover b
Talisman Road of Trials #1 cover a
Talisman Road of Trials #1 cover b
Terry Moore's Echo #16
Transformers ongoing #1 change incentive cover
Transformers ongoing #1 gcc exclusive
Transformers ongoing #1 hutchinson incentive book
Transformers ongoing #1 regular cover
Transformers ongoing #1 wrap cover
Underground #3
Uptight #3
Viking #4
Zorro #17 francavilla cover
Zorro #17 wagner cover

24 Omnibus Vol1 TPB
Alien Legion Omnibus TP Vol. 1
Batman Battle For The Cowl HC
Battle Royale Novel 2nd Edition
Black Lightning Year One TP
Case Closed GN Vol 32
Daredevil Noir Prem HC
Dark Avengers Vol 1 Assemble TPB
Destroyer Prem HC
Doctor Who Ultimate Monster Guide HC
Driven by Lemons HC
Green Lantern Corps Emerald Eclipse HC
Hercules Full Circle Prem HC
Jane HC Misadventures of Bright Young Thing
Jesus Hates Zombies Lincoln Hates Werewolves Vol 3 TPB
JSA TP Vol 03 They Kingdom Come Part 2
Mighty Avengers TP Earths Mightiest
New Avengers TP VOL 11 Search For Sorcerer Supreme
Oishinbo Vol 06 Joy of Rice
Pictures that Tick TP
Punisher Dark Reign TPB
Rip Kirby Vol 1 HC
Runaways Home Schooling Prem HC
Showcase Presents DC Comics Presents TPB Vol 1
Tarzan The Jesse Marsh Years HC Vol 04
Tezukas Black Jack TP Vol 08
The Nam TP Vol 01
War of Kings HC
Wasteland TP Vol 05 Tales o/t Uninvited
Wolverine Origins Romulus Prem HC
Wolverine Origins Dark Reign TPB
Year of Loving Dangerously HC

Archie Digest #259
Casper Friendly Ghost 60th Anniversary HC
Mickey Mouse & Friends #297 cover a
Mickey Mouse & Friends #297 cover b
Mickey Mouse & Friends #297 incentive cover
Nancy Drew GN Vol 19
Simpsons Comics #160
Sonic Universe #10
Super Friends #21
Tiny Titans #22

La colección de originales de Jose Vicente Busto

Portada de Piel de Lobo nº71 vista al trasluz

La misma portada tal y como se ve frontalmente.

Jim Alegrias nº38

El Aguilucho nº58
Portada de Joyas Literarias Juveniles 137, una verdadera maravilla.
El Corsario de Hierro 6. Otra de las grandes portadas de Antonio Bernal
Spiderman de Lopez Espi

Hoy os mostramos parte de la impresionante colección de cubiertas y páginas originales del amigo Jose Vicente Busto. Accediendo a la página web donde las expone podemos contemplar el arte de autores como Manuel Gago, Antonio Bernal, Lopez Espi y muchos otros. Echad un vistazo al enlace porque vale la pena.









Amazing Spider-Man #611
Black Panther #10
Cable #20
Daredevil #502
Dark Avengers Uncanny X-Men Exodus Dax 2nd print
Dark Reign List X-Men One Shot 2nd print
Dark X-Men #1
Deadpool #17
Enders Game Command School #3
Luke Cage Noir #4
Luke Cage Noir #4 calero variant
Punishermax #1
Punishermax #1 dillon variant
Realm of Kings Imperial Guard #1
Sky Doll Factory #1
Sky Doll Factory #1 us wendling variant
Spider-Woman #1 2nd print
Strange #1
Strange #1 super squad variant
Sword #1
Uncanny X-Men First Class #5
Vengeance of Moon Knight #3
X-Babies #2
X-Babies #2 star variant
X-Force #21
X-Force #21 crain variant
X-Men Forever #11

Action #883
Batgirl #4
Batman #693
Batman and Robin #6
Batman and Robin #6 variant cover
Batman Doc Savage Special #1
Batman Doc Savage Special #1 variant edition
Booster Gold #26 (orange RING)
Green Arrow Black Canary #26
Green Lantern Corps #42
Green Lantern Corps #42 horn variant cover
JSA vs Kobra Engines of Faith #6
Red Robin #6
The Shield #3
Titans #19

DMZ #47
Fables #90
Unwritten #7

Authority The Lost Year Reader
Modern Warfare 2 Ghost 2 #1 cover a
Modern Warfare 2 Ghost 2 #1 cover b
Modern Warfare 2 Ghost 2 #1 video game variant cover
Red Herring #4
Resident Evil #3
Stormwatch PHD #24

Anchor #2 cover a
Anchor #2 cover b
Angel #27 mooney cover
Angel #27 mooney virgin cover
Angel #27 Runge cover
Black Coat Or Give Me Death #1 & #2 Double-Sized
Black Terror #5
Black Terror #5 lau cover
Black Terror #5 ross negative art cover
Black Terror #5 ross virgin cover
Black Terror #5 sadowski cover
Blackbeard Legend of the Pyrate King #2
Blackbeard Legend of the Pyrate King #2 parillo negative art cover
BPRD 1947 #5
Chronicles of Wormwood Last Battle #2
Chronicles of Wormwood Last Battle #2 incentive cover
Chronicles of Wormwood Last Battle #2 wrap cover
Comic Book Comics #4
Doctor Who #5 ongoing grist
Doctor Who #5 ongoing grist virgin
Doctor Who #5 ongoing smith
Doctor Who Classics Series 2 #12
Doctor Who Classics Series 2 #12 retro cover
Farscape Dargos Trial #4 cover a
Farscape Dargos Trial #4 cover b
Female Force #9 stephenie meyer
Female Force #9 stephenie meyer book market
Frank Frazettas Dark Kingdom Part 2 frazzeta cover
Frank Frazettas Dark Kingdom Part 2 sketch cover
Frank Frazettas Dark Kingdom Part 2 vigil cover
From the Ashes #6
Ghostbusters Displaced Aggression #3 kyriazis cover
Ghostbusters Displaced Aggression #3 runge cover
Ghostbusters Displaced Aggression #3 runge variant cover
Ghoul #1
Ghoul #1 black white virgin wrightson cover
GI Joe #11 atkins cover
GI Joe #11 chaykin cover
GI Joe #11 chaykin virgin cover
GI Joe Movie Snake Eyes #2
GI Joe Movie Snake Eyes #2 photo cover
Gravel #15
Gravel #15 wraparound cover
Grimjack Manx Cat #4
Haunt #1 2nd print
Hellboy The Wild Hunt #8
Jersey Gods #9
Jon Sable Freelance Ashes of Eden #2
Legend of Isis #6
Locke & Key Crown of Shadows #1
Locke & Key Crown of Shadows #1 rodriguez incentive cover
Phonogram 2 #5
Pope Hats #1
Rapture #5
Resurrection 2 #5
Robert E Howard Thulsa Doom #3
Rotten #5
Star Trek Romulans Schism #3
Star Trek Romulans Schism #3 virgin cover
Star Ware Purge Seconds to Die #1
Star Wars Clone Wars #10
Starstruck #3
Starstruck #3 virgin cover
Strange Adventures of HP Lovecraft #4
Street Fighter IV #4 cover a tsang
Street Fighter IV #4 cover b ng
Street Fighter IV #4 incentive cover
Supergod #1
Supergod #1 church variant incentive
Supergod #1 wraparound cover
Tank Girl Skid Marks #1
The Good the Bad the Ugly #5 calero cover
The Good the Bad the Ugly #5 cariello cover
Tom Corbett Space Cadet #2
Tracker #1 robertson cover b
Tracker #1 tsai cover a
Transformers Best of UK Prey #4
Transformers Continuum
Vincent Price Presents Special Tingler #2
Walking Dead #67
We Kill Monsters #5
Witchblade #132 cover a
Witchblade #132 cover b

Absolute Justice HC
Amazing Spider-Man by JMS Ultimate Collection TP Book 2
Angel After the Fall Vol 2 TPB
Assembled 2 GT Earths Might Heroes & Foes SC
Avengers X-Men Utopia HC
Batman Private Casebook TPB
CSI Omnibus Vol 1
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep HC Vol 1
Doctor Who Widows Curse TPB
Escapists TPB
Essential Moon Knight Vol 3 TPB
Farscape Uncharted Tales HC Vol 1 Dargos Lament
Girl Genius TP Vol 5 Clockwork Princess New Printing
Green Lantern Agent Orange HC TPB
Hulk Green Hulk Red Hulk HC
Incredibles Family Matters TP
Insomnia Cafe HC
James Bond Omnibus
Judge Dredd Complete Case Files TP Vol 14
KODT Bundle of Trouble TP Vol 28
Luna Park HC
Outsiders The Deep TP
Pathfinder Fath Council Thieves #2 Sixfold Trial
Peanuts 60th Anniversary Book
Project Superpowers Black Terror TP Vol 1
Spider-Man I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight Prem HC
Spider-Man I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight Prem HC DM Var
The Stand American Nightmares prem TPB HC
Strange Suspense Steve Ditko Arcives HC vol 1
Supergirl Who is Superwoman TPB
Superman Red Son Deluxe Edition HC TPB
Transformers Best of UK City of Fear TPB
Usagi Yojimbo HC Yokai
Wizard Alex Ross Updated Millenium LTD Dust Jacket Ex
Wolverine Tales of Weapon X TPB
Wolverine Weapon X Adamantium Men Prem HC Vol 01
X-Factor TPB Vol 07 Time and a Half
X-Files TPB
X-Men Legacy TPB Salvage
X-Men Manifest Destiny TPB
X-Men Wolverine Gambit Prem HC Dm Var Ed 33


Toyfare #149 hasbro iron man 2 figure cover
Toyfare #149 mattel avatar figure cover

Originales de Manuel Gago en "Viñetas"

Imagen extraída del blog "Viñetas"

A los seguidores y estudiosos de la obra de Manuel Gago ruego encarecidamente visitar el blog "Viñetas" de Joan Navarro. Allí podemos encontrar algunas portadas originales con indicaciones de color, alguna viñeta de Purk, curiosidades de los inicios de Gago y alguna que otra sorpresa.



DURANTE Noviembre estaremos recibiendo los anillos de Blackest Night comenzando esta semana con

DOOM PATROL 4, con el anillo amarillo, se regalaran en la compra del comic.


Envia la actualización a tu suscripción comicsmexico@gmail.com


Amazing Spider-Man #610
Assault on New Olympus #1
Astonishing X-Men #32
Astonishing X-Men #32 super hero squad variant
Black Widow Deadly Origin #1
Black Widow Deadly Origin #1 land cover
Black Widow Deadly Origin #1 raney cover
Captain America Reborn #4
Captain America Reborn #4 cassady variant
Captain America Reborn #4 joe kubert variant
Dark Avengers #9 2nd print
Deadpool Team-Up #899
Deathlok #1
Deathlok #1 buckler variant
Doctor Voodoo Avenger of the Supernatural #2
Ghost Riders Heavens on Fire #4
House of M Masters of Evil #4
Immortal Weapons #4
Iron Man Armor Wars #4
Marvel Zombies Evil Evolution
Marvel Zombies Return #3 2nd print
Marvelous land of Oz #1
Marvelous Land of Oz #1 mcguinness variant
Marvelous Land of Oz #1 shanower variant
Nova #31
Official Index To The Marvel Universe #11
Psylocke #1
Starr the Slayer #3
Strange Tales #3
Torch #3
Ultimate Comics Avengers #2 2nd printing variant
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #4
X-Men Origins Iceman #1
X-Men Vs Agents of Atlas #2
X-Men Vs Agents of Atlas #2 ramos variant

Batman Confidential #36
Batman the Unseen #3
Batman Widening Gyre #3
Batman Widening Gyre #3 Ha Sketch variant
Batman Widening Gyre #3 Ha variant
Doom Patrol #4 blackest night yellow ring
Jonah Hex #49
Lobo Highway to Hell #1
Magog #3
Mighty #10
Red Tornado #3
Secret Six #15
Superman World of New Krypton #9
Superman World of New Krypton #9 variant edition
The Great Ten #1
Warlord #8

Cinderella from Fabletown with Love #1
Greek Street #5
House of Mystery #19
Sweet Tooth #3

Authority #16
Gears of War #10
North 40 #5

Absolution #3
Absolution #3 crimefiles cover
Absolution #3 incentive cover
Absolution #3 wrap cover
Age of Bronze #29
Age of Reptiles Journey #1
AOD Ash Saves Obama #3
AOD Ash Saves Obama #3 parillo cover
Athena #2
Athena #2 berkenkotter
Athena #2 calero
Athena #2 neves
Atomika #11
Atomika 2009 Sketchbook
Boys #36
Boys Herogasm #6
BUFFY the Vampire Slayer #30 hughes cover
BUFFY the Vampire Slayer #30 jeanty cover
Conan the Cimmerian #15
Donald Duck And Friends #347 cover a
Donald Duck And Friends #347 cover b
Donald Duck And Friends #347 incentive
End League #9
Eternal Conflicts of the Cosmic Warrioi One-Shot
Fathom #9 ale garza cover
Fathom #9 clark cover
Finding Nemo Reef Rescue #4 cover a
Gold Digger Annual #15
Gold Digger Swimsuit End of Summer Special 2009
Haunt #2 McFarlane B&W inc
Haunt #2 McFarlane cover
Haunt #2 Ottley cover
Kill Audio #2
Knights of the Dinner Table #155
Phantom Ghost Who Walks #6 cover a
Phantom Ghost Who Walks #6 cover b
Project Superpowers Chapter 2 #4
Project Superpowers Chapter 2 #4 sadowski cover
Project Superpowers Chapter 2 #4 segovia cover
Project Superpowers Chapter 2 #4 negative art incentive
Project Superpowers Meet the Bad Guys #3
Project Superpowers Meet the Bad Guys #3 negative art incentive
Savage Dragon #154
Secret History Book 06
Sky Pirates Of Neo Terra #2
Star Wars Invasion #5
Street Fighter II Turbo #9 cover a
Street Fighter II Turbo #9 cover b
Stumptown #1
Titanium Rain Double-Sized #3 & #4
Tyrese Gibsons Mayhem #3
Unknown Devil Made Flesh #2
Vampirella Second Coming #3 Franchesco cover
Vampirella Second Coming #3 jusko cover
Vampirella Second Coming #3 stegman cover
Vampirella Second Coming #3 suydam cover
Witchfinder In the Service of Angels #5
Zombies That Ate The World #6

Boys HC Vol. 1 Limited Edition Name of the Game
CBG 2010 Comic Book Checklist & Price Guide TP
Criminal Deluxe Edition
Exiles Point of No Return TP
Fantastic Four Visionaries Walter Simonson Vol 3 TPB
Ghost Rider Danny Ketch TP Vol 01
Hellblazer Scab TPB
James Jean Skrwl Triptych Journal Collection
Marvel Zombies 3 TP
Nova TP Vol 5 War of Kings
Pokemon Giratina & The Sky Warrior Ani-Manga
Sherlock Holmes HC Vol 01
Sherlock Holmes HC Vol 01Trial Of Sherlock Holmes
Spider-Man the Short Halloween PREM HC
Superman Batman Search For Kryptonite TP
Tales from the Crypt Vol 8 stinky dead kid
Terror INC TP Apocalypse Soon
Timestorm 2009-2099 HC
Turok Son of Stone HC Vol 04 HC
Wonder Woman Rise of the Olympian TP

Looney Tunes #180
Pals N Gals Double Digest #140
Sonic the Hedgehog #206
Veronica #197

Comic Shop News
Star Trek Magazine #22 px
Star Wars Vehicles Coll Mag #1 Millennium Falcon
Star Wars Vehicles Coll Mag #2 X Wing
Star Wars Vehicles Coll Mag #27 Grievous Wheelbike
Star Wars Vehicles Coll Mag #28 Naboo Cruiser

Nueva edición en español de Alix el Intrépido

Ya puede hacerse la reserva de los dos primeros álbumes de Alix que serán editados proximamente en edición limitada por la propia editorial Casterman, de ahí la importancia de implicarse para que este proyecto salga adelante.
Más información aquí.

Para saber más sobre Alix, les recomiendo leer el estupendo artículo escrito por Pablo.

Manuel Gago García "Gago"

El amigo Silvestre en su blog nos ofrece unas pinceladas biográficas del autor al que principalmente, se dedica este sitio; Manuel Gago García.