Entre lo sobresaliente para los coleccionistas de Magic: Magic the Gathering 1 con una tarjeta especial.
También Avengers X-Sanction 3 con la continuación de este prologo a X-men Vs Avengers.
De DC también Action Comics 6 con la continuación del nuevo origen de Superman. Red Lanterns con el debut del Red Lantern de la tierra, entre mucho más.
Y a todos nuestros suscriptores y amigos una disculpa por no la no actualización del blog, pero el fallecimiento de una de las principales impulsoras de Comics México, nos impidió hacerlo.

Amazing Spider-Man #679 |
Avengers Academy #25 |
Avengers X-Sanction #3 |
Avengers X-Sanction #3 churchill variant cover |
Avengers X-Sanction #3 yu variant cover |
Carnage USA #1 second print |
Defenders #3 |
Defenders #3 adam kubert variant cover |
Fearless #8 |
Hulk #48 |
Punisher #8 |
The Twelve #9 |
The Twelve Must Have #1 |
Thor Deviants Saga #4 |
Uncanny X-Force #21 |
Uncanny X-Men #6 |
Venom #13 |
Venom #13 variant cover |
Venom #13 simonson sketch variant cover |
Villains for Hire #3 |
Winter Soldier #1 |
Winter Soldier #1 dellotto variant cover |
Winter Soldier #1 kubert variant cover |
Winter Soldier #1 sketch variant cover |
X-Club #3 |
X-Factor #231 |
Wolverine and X-Men #3 second print |
DC |
Action Comics #6 |
Action Comics #6 variant cover |
Action Comics #6 black & white variant cover |
Animal Man #6 |
Batwing #6 |
Detective Comics #6 |
Detective Comics #6 variant cover |
Green Arrow #6 volume 5 |
Hawk and Dove #6 |
Justice League International #6 volume 2 |
Men Of War #6 |
Omac #6 |
Red Lanterns #6 |
Static Shock #6 volume 3 |
Stormwatch #6 volume 5 |
Stormwatch #6 volume 5 variant cover |
Supernatural #5 |
Swamp Thing #6 volume 4 |
Swamp Thing #6 volume 4 variant cover |
I, Zombie #22 |
Sweet Tooth #30 |
Alpha Girl #1 |
Anne Rice Servant of the Bones #6 |
Anne Rice Servant of the Bones #6 variant cover |
Betrayal of the Planet of the Apes #4 cover a |
Betrayal of the Planet of the Apes #4 cover b |
Boys #63 |
Brimstone #7 |
Charmed #18 |
Crossed Psychopath #5 shark attack cover |
Crossed Psychopath #7 auxiliary edition |
Damaged #5 |
Dark Horse Presents #8 donaldson cover |
Dark Horse Presents #8 fegredo cover |
Doctor Who Vol 2 #14 cover a |
Doctor Who Vol 2 #14 cover b |
Doctor Who Vol 2 #14 variant cover |
Fatale #1 second print |
Fatale #2 |
Fathom vol 4 #4 cover a |
Fathom vol 4 #4 cover b |
GI Joe A Real American Hero #175 cover a |
GI Joe A Real American Hero #175 cover b |
GI Joe A Real American Hero #175 variant cover |
GI Joe vol 2 #10 cover a |
GI Joe vol 2 #10 cover b |
GI Joe vol 2 #10 variant cover |
Haunted City #2 cover a |
Hellraiser #10 cover a |
Hellraiser #10 cover b |
Hellraiser #10 variant cover |
Hellraiser Masterpieces #7 |
Infestation 2 Transformers #1 cover a |
Infestation 2 Transformers #1 cover b |
Infestation 2 Transformers #1 variant cover |
Invincible #88 |
Irredeemable #34 cover a |
Irredeemable #34 cover b |
Jurassic Stike Force 5 #1 cover a |
Jurassic Stike Force 5 #1 cover b |
Kirby Genesis Captain Victory #3 |
Kirby Genesis Captain Victory #3 1:10 cover |
Kirby Genesis Captain Victory #3 negative cover |
Kirby Genesis Captain Victory #3 sketch cover |
Kirby Genesis Captain Victory #3 virgin cover |
Lady Death #10 auxiliary edition |
Locke & Key Clockworks #4 |
Locke & Key Clockworks #4 variant cover |
Lone Ranger #2 volume 2 |
Magic the Gathering #1 |
Magic the Gathering #1 1:10 cover |
Magic the Gathering #1 1:20 cover |
Penny for Your Soul False Prophet #3 cover a |
Penny for Your Soul False Prophet #3 cover b |
Phazer War of the Independents #1 |
Reed Gunther #8 |
Robert Jordans Wheel of Time Eye of the World #20 |
Savage Dragon #178 |
Star Wars Dawn of the Jedi #0 |
Strange Talent of Luther Strode #5 |
Valen Outcast #3 cover a |
Valen Outcast #3 cover b |
Valen Outcast #3 1:10 cover |
Valen Outcast #3 negative cover |
Valen Outcast #3 sketch cover |
Warlord of Mars Annual #1 |
Warriors of Mars #1 |
Warriors of Mars #1 negative cover |
Warriors of Mars #1 virgin cover |
Warriors of Mars #1 black & white cover |
Action Mystery Thrills Covers SC |
American Vampire Vol 3 HC |
Archie Archives HC volume 04 |
Art of Carbon Grey HC |
Avengers Assemble TPB volume 02 |
Avengers Hawkeye TPB |
Batman Gates Of Gotham TPB |
Captain America and Bucky Life Of Bucky Barne PREM HC |
Daredevil By Brubaker And Lark Ultimate Collection Book 1 TPB |
Essential Fantastic Four TPB volume 06 new edition |
Garth Ennis Jennifer Blood Vol 1 TPB |
GI Joe volume 02 Ongoing TPB volume 02 Cobra Civil War |
Green Arrow Salvation HC |
Incredible Hulks Fall of Hulks HC |
John Carter A Princess of Mars GN TPB |
John Carter World of Mars GN TPB |
John Romita Amazing Spider-Man Artist Edition HC |
Life & Death of Fritz the Cat HC |
Lil Depressed Boy Vol 2 TPB |
Madman 20th Anniversary Monster HC |
Rat Catcher TPB |
Red Skull Incarnate TPB |
Spider-man Anti-venom TPB |
Superman Reign Of Doomsday HC |
Vampirella TPB volume 02 |
Xombi TPB |
Futurama Comics #59 |
Ice Age Iced In #1 |
Richie Rich Gems Winter Special One Shot |
Scooby Doo Where Are You #18 |
Sergio Aragones Funnies #7 |
Simpsons Illustrated #1 |
Sonic Super Special Magazine #2 |
Sonic the Hedgehog #233 |
World of Archie Double Digest #14 |